wer die ecodesign directive
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sustainable-business/ecodesign/index_de.htm samt den auswirkungen auf die konsumenten mal behirnt hat, kann herrn cameron verstehen...
die zusammenfassung im orf-artikel greift da viel zu kurz:
http://www.orf.at/stories/2158499/2158500/ , von den veralteten träumereien der tu wien
http://www.ecodesign.at/team/index.de.htmlmal ganz zu schweigen.
das arbeitsprogramm hat's in sich:
http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/12/st17/st17624.en12.pdf ..
Therefore, the indicative list of priority product groups covered by this working plan is:
- Window products
- Steam boilers8 ( < 50MW)
- Power cables
- Enterprises' servers, data storage and ancillary equipment
- Smart appliances/meters
- Wine storage appliances (c.f. Ecodesign regulation 643/2009)
- Water-related products
The list of conditional product groups, launching a preparatory study is dependent on
the outcome of ongoing regulatory processes and/or reviews, comprises the following groups:
- Positive displacement pumps
- Fractional horse power motors under 200W
- Heating controls
- Lighting controls/systems
- Thermal insulation products for buildings
und das allerschönste dran: die kommission bestimmt allein, was "gut" und was "böse" ist... dem lobbyismus stehen die tore schön weit offen...
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