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elk fertighaus

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  •  chainik
14.5. - 17.5.2016
3 Antworten 3
Ich interessiere mich für das ELK Aktionfertighaus. Ich habe das folgendes auf diesem Forum gefunden:

> Vorteil: Preis
> Nachteil: Heizung ist nur eine Lüftungsheizung und Infrarotpaneelen.

Kann jemand erklaren, warum diese Heizungsmethode ein Nachteil ist (vielleicht, eben auf Englisch)? Vielen Dank!

  •  melly210
  •   Silber-Award
14.5.2016  (#1)
This kind of heating creates very little warmth and is only suitable for passive houses (houses that take very, very little energy to heat up). And even then, this kind of heating may be enough when the house is new. But once the house is 20, 30 of more years old, it might need more energy to geht warm. In that case, the house might not get warm enough to be comfortable, or it might be very expensive to heat it up.

Normally, in whatever way the warmth is generated, it is distributed around the house via tubes filled with warm water. Either in the floor (Floor-Heating) or in the walls (wall heating) or via radiators. This system is very cost-effective and you can easily heat even very badly insulated houses with it.

If think about building a house without a water-distributed heating-system, be aware that this decision is extremely difficult and very expensive to change once the house is built. I personally would advise against it.

  •  chainik
14.5.2016  (#2)
Thanks a lot for the explanation!

  •  hausbauerin
17.5.2016  (#3)
Facebook - HI there! I guess you are talking about the EASY LIVING from ELK ! Well i would recommend you to go to the Facebook group "ELK Fertighaus/ Passivhaus - Erfahrungsaustausch und Infoplattform" There are a lot of "EASY LIVING" House Owners that can tell how it is to live in it. I personally would have loved to buy it cause it is actually very good: The "Lüftunsgheizung" is heating up the AIR in a bulidung (so the good on it is that you also have fresh filtered heated air in the house). As "ad on" if you need quickly more heat , the panels start heating. And the house is also available in passivhouse standard if wanted (then the sales person has to check yout land aso, so that the passiv house criterias can be reached).
We build our ELK house before that product was lounched.. otherwise i would have bought it straight. I now have a Passivhouse with "Lüftungsheizung" and it is PERFECT!


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